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Ripple's Chris Larsen Backs $10M Seed Round in Yellow Network to Address Crypto Trading Challenges
Sep 17, 2024
Yellow Network, a next-generation decentralized clearing network for digital assets, has secured $10 million in seed funding led by Ripple Co-Founder and Silicon Valley pioneer Chris Larsen. This strategic investment comes as the market valuation reaches over $200 million, positioning itself as a frontrunner in the DeFi trading revolution. Other notable backers and supporters include Consensys, GSR, NxGen, MV Global, Gate Labs, ZBS Capital, Moonrock Capital, Math, Cobo, NOIA Capital, and LD Capital. Yellow Network introduces an innovative decentralized clearing protocol to address critical industry challenges, including liquidity fragmentation, scalability, and counterparty risks. The chain-agnostic network is built on state channel technology and provides capital efficiency, reduced latency, and scalability for the ever-growing digital asset market. Industry Leaders Driving the Innovation Yellow Network is the brainchild of a seasoned team of fintech and crypto experts led by Louis Bellet, a visionary entrepreneur and systems architect. As the founder of Openware, a leading provider of crypto exchange software, Louis brings a deep understanding of the industry's challenges. His expertise in building robust trading platforms has been instrumental in shaping the network architecture. Joining Louis is Alexis Sirkia, co-founder of GSR, the pioneering market-making firm. Sirkia’s extensive experience in trading and market dynamics has been invaluable in developing Yellow Network's value proposition. Together with Camille Meulien, a seasoned software architect, this dynamic trio is driving innovation and redefining the future of crypto trading. The Significance of Chris Larsen's Support Chris Larsen’s involvement marks a pivotal moment for Yellow Network. As a key figure in the development of online FinTech and blockchain technology, Larsen’s endorsement reinforces the importance of Yellow Network’s mission to bring trust, efficiency, and safety to the cryptocurrency trading industry. His pioneering work with Ripple, particularly in cross-border payments, significantly highlights the strategic alignment between the two companies as Yellow Network deepens its integration with Ripple’s XRPL EVM sidechain. Chris Larsen, Ripple Co-Founder, said, "I'm proud to support Yellow Network as it tackles liquidity fragmentation in crypto trading and sets new standards for the rapidly evolving digital asset ecosystem. Yellow Network's protocol is essential for the new players entering the space, and its ability to deliver fast trade execution and capital efficiency is a game-changer for high-speed trading firms." Yellow Network’s CEO, Louis Bellet, stated, “Having Chris Larsen's support is an incredible validation of our efforts. His contribution to Ripple and online finance transformed how the world perceives and utilizes blockchain technology. His involvement gives us the confidence to push forward and reshape how digital asset markets function.” Looking Ahead: $YELLOW Token and Future Developments As part of its next phase of growth, Yellow Network is preparing for the launch of the $YELLOW token, scheduled for Q4 2024. This token will be the lifeblood of the Yellow Network ecosystem, powering transactions across the platform. In preparation for the token launch, Yellow Network will roll out an exclusive liquidity-locking campaign, allowing the community to participate actively in the network’s expansion through liquidity mining. Additionally, Yellow Network plans to bring its partnership with Ripple to life by integrating Ripple’s XRPL EVM sidechain. This collaboration will further strengthen Yellow Network's capabilities, positioning it as a fundamental player in the evolving retail and institutional trading landscape. About Yellow Network Yellow Network is building the first decentralized clearing network for digital assets, addressing the inefficiencies of traditional crypto trading systems. By leveraging state channel technology and chain abstraction, the protocol drastically reduces latency, enables horizontal scalability, and improves capital efficiency, providing a secure, non-custodial solution to the modern trading ecosystem. Yellow Network is a project under the Layer-3 Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the adoption of chain-agnostic technologies that accelerate the mass adoption of blockchain. To learn more, visit
Liquidity Fragmentation in Crypto: Challenges and Solutions
Aug 30, 2024
As new Layer 1 blockchains and Layer 2 scaling solutions have emerged, each with its own set of DeFi applications, liquidity has naturally spread out to serve these diverse ecosystems. While this distribution has fostered innovation and provided users with a wide array of options, it has also created significant inefficiencies in the market. Liquidity fragmentation is a rather persistent challenge in the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi). It is characterized by the distribution of liquidity across multiple blockchains and DeFi platforms and threatens to undermine the efficiency and accessibility of digital asset markets. Needless to say, liquidity fragmentation has significant implications for traders, investors, and the broader crypto ecosystem. Let's take a look at current solutions to this problem, including advanced abstraction layer from Yellow Network. Understanding Liquidity Fragmentation Liquidity fragmentation occurs when the total available liquidity for a particular asset or trading pair is spread across numerous platforms and blockchain networks. Instead of having a centralized pool of liquidity, as is common in traditional financial markets, the crypto space sees its liquidity distributed across a multitude of decentralized exchanges (DEXs), automated market makers (AMMs), and blockchain ecosystems. This fragmentation is a direct result of the proliferation of blockchain networks and DeFi protocols. The Impact on Users and Markets The consequences of liquidity fragmentation are far-reaching and affect various aspects of the crypto market. It starts with reduced efficiency. Users often find themselves needing to execute trades across multiple platforms to access the best prices or to trade the desired volume. This process is not only time-consuming but can also result in higher overall transaction costs due to multiple gas fees and bridging costs between networks. Then it comes to higher slippage. With liquidity spread thin across numerous pools, individual platforms may not have sufficient depth to handle larger trades without significant price impact. This leads to higher slippage, especially for larger orders, as the available liquidity at each price level is limited. Enter suboptimal pricing. The fragmentation of liquidity can lead to price discrepancies across different platforms. While arbitrageurs work to close these gaps, the process is not instantaneous, and users may end up executing trades at less than optimal prices. From a systemic perspective, liquidity fragmentation results in reduced capital efficiency. Assets locked in multiple smaller liquidity pools across various platforms are not being utilized as effectively as they could be in a more consolidated market. It all results in complexity for users. Navigating multiple platforms and blockchains adds a layer of complexity for users, particularly newcomers to the crypto space. This complexity can be a barrier to entry and may deter some potential participants from fully engaging with DeFi. The Institutional Perspective For institutional players, the issues stemming from liquidity fragmentation are particularly acute. These entities often deal with larger transaction sizes and have stricter requirements for best execution practices. The challenges they face are numerous. Limited market depth is the obvious one. Fragmented liquidity means that no single venue may have sufficient depth to handle large institutional orders without significant market impact. Then there is operational complexity. Managing positions and executing strategies across multiple platforms and blockchains introduces operational challenges and increases the risk of errors. Then come the regulatory concerns. The need to interact with multiple platforms, potentially across different jurisdictions, can complicate compliance efforts for institutional players. Institutions may need to spread their capital across various platforms to access the required liquidity, reducing their overall capital efficiency. That results in inefficient capital allocation. The ability to deploy capital efficiently and execute large trades with minimal slippage is crucial for institutional adoption of crypto assets. As such, addressing liquidity fragmentation is not just a matter of improving user experience but is essential for the maturation of the crypto market and its ability to attract and accommodate larger players. Addressing Fragmentation at the Application Level Several projects within the DeFi space have recognized the challenges posed by liquidity fragmentation and are working to address them at the application level. These solutions focus on optimizing liquidity provision and utilization within specific platforms or protocols. Uniswap V3: Concentrated Liquidity Uniswap, one of the leading decentralized exchanges, introduced a groundbreaking feature with its V3 release: concentrated liquidity. This mechanism allows liquidity providers (LPs) to focus their capital within specific price ranges, rather than spreading it evenly across the entire price curve. The benefits of this approach include: Enhanced Capital Efficiency: LPs can allocate their capital more effectively, potentially earning higher fees with less capital locked. Reduced Slippage: By concentrating liquidity around the current market price, traders can experience lower slippage for most trades. Customizable Strategies: LPs can tailor their liquidity provision to match their market outlook and risk tolerance. While Uniswap V3's concentrated liquidity doesn't directly solve the issue of cross-platform fragmentation, it significantly improves capital efficiency within its ecosystem, setting a new standard for AMM design. Maverick Protocol: Optimizing for Capital Efficiency Building on the concept of concentrated liquidity, protocols like Maverick are taking the optimization of capital efficiency a step further. Maverick introduces dynamic liquidity positioning, which automatically adjusts liquidity concentration based on market conditions. This approach aims to: Maximize Yields: By dynamically repositioning liquidity, the protocol seeks to capture more trading fees for LPs. Reduce Impermanent Loss: The dynamic positioning can help mitigate the risk of impermanent loss for LPs. Improve Market Stability: By adapting to market conditions, the protocol can help maintain more stable and efficient markets. These application-level solutions demonstrate the DeFi community's commitment to addressing the challenges of liquidity fragmentation. However, they primarily focus on optimizing liquidity within specific platforms rather than tackling the broader issue of cross-chain and cross-platform fragmentation. Ecosystem-Level Solutions to Liquidity Fragmentation Recognizing that application-level optimizations alone are insufficient to fully address the challenges of liquidity fragmentation, several projects are working on ecosystem-level solutions. These initiatives aim to create bridges between different blockchains and protocols, allowing for more seamless movement of liquidity across the crypto landscape. ZK Link: Cross-Chain Interoperability through Zero-Knowledge Proofs ZK Link leverages zero-knowledge proof technology to enable cross-chain interoperability. By using ZK proofs, the protocol can securely verify transactions across different blockchains without requiring direct communication between them. This approach offers: Efficient Cross-Chain Transfers: Users can move assets between chains quickly and with lower fees. Enhanced Security: The use of ZK proofs provides strong cryptographic guarantees for cross-chain transactions. Potential for Unified Liquidity Pools: By enabling seamless cross-chain interactions, ZK Link could pave the way for more unified liquidity pools that span multiple blockchains. Polygon Agglayer: Aggregating Liquidity Across Chains Polygon's Agglayer project aims to create a unified layer that aggregates liquidity from multiple chains. This solution proposes to: Provide a Single Interface: Users could access liquidity from various chains through a single, unified interface. Optimize Routing: By aggregating liquidity information, Agglayer could route trades through the most efficient paths across different chains. Reduce Complexity: For end-users, this could significantly simplify the process of accessing cross-chain liquidity. Layer Zero: A Universal Messaging Layer Layer Zero takes a different approach by providing a universal messaging layer that allows for direct communication between different blockchains. This infrastructure could enable: Cross-Chain Applications: Developers could build truly cross-chain applications that leverage liquidity from multiple sources. Seamless Asset Transfers: Users could move assets between chains without needing to use traditional bridge protocols. Unified Governance: Projects could implement governance mechanisms that span multiple chains, potentially leading to more coordinated liquidity management. renVM: Trustless Cross-Chain Asset Transfers renVM focuses on enabling trustless transfers of assets between different blockchains. While its primary use case has been bringing Bitcoin to Ethereum and other chains, the technology has broader implications for liquidity management: Expanded Asset Accessibility: By making it easier to move assets between chains, renVM could help balance liquidity across different ecosystems. Reduced Fragmentation: As assets become more mobile, it could lead to more natural consolidation of liquidity where it's most needed. Enhanced Interoperability: The ability to easily move assets between chains could foster greater interoperability between different DeFi ecosystems. Addressing liquidity fragmentation is crucial for the maturation of the crypto market, especially as institutional players increasingly enter the space. These entities require far more robust liquidity solutions to execute large trades efficiently, maintain capital effectiveness, and meet strict regulatory standards. While various DeFi projects and ecosystem-level solutions have made strides in optimizing liquidity, they often fall short of meeting the comprehensive needs of institutional participants. This is where Yellow Network offers a transformative approach. Introducing Yellow Network: The advanced abstraction layer and decentralized clearing protocol Yellow Network presents an advanced abstraction layer and decentralized clearing protocol designed specifically to enhance cross-chain trading and clearing. At its core, Yellow Network aims to unify the fragmented liquidity landscape by having a mesh network that lies on top of various blockchains and liquidity sources through a single, cohesive framework. This blockchain-agnostic approach aggregates liquidity from various decentralized exchanges (DEXs), brokers, and liquidity pools into a unified infrastructure, tackling the inefficiencies of dispersed liquidity. Enhancing Cross-Chain Trading One of Yellow Network’s key innovations is its Layer-3 state channel infrastructure. This sophisticated technology enables secure, high-speed, and low-cost cross-chain transactions. By facilitating seamless communication and trading between different blockchains, Yellow Network allows for efficient execution of trades, particularly benefiting high-frequency trading operations. The advanced infrastructure ensures that transactions are processed quickly and with minimal costs, while maintaining the integrity and security of the network. Decentralized Clearing Protocol Complementing its abstraction layer, Yellow Network incorporates a decentralized clearing protocol known as ClearSync., which operates in a fully decentralized manner. This protocol ensures that the collateral locked within a state channel is governed by a smart contract controlled by the parties involved in the channel. As a result, Yellow Network does not have control over any funds, establishing a non-custodial system for its participants. ClearSync enhances the efficiency of liquidity management by providing a robust, trustworthy trading environment that minimizes potential risks associated with fragmented liquidity. Efficient Market Operations Yellow Network distinguishes itself by operating through a network of intermediate nodes rather than relying on a single blockchain platform. This decentralized architecture supports high-frequency peer-to-peer trading directly between participants, eliminating the need to maintain reserves on multiple platforms. As a result, liquidity can flow more freely and securely across different chains and platforms, leading to a more efficient market with improved capital utilization. Conclusion Liquidity fragmentation presents a significant hurdle in DeFi, impacting capital efficiency for both retail and institutional participants. This fragmentation, stemming from the dispersion of liquidity across diverse blockchains and DeFi platforms, has resulted in inefficiencies such as higher slippage, suboptimal pricing, and increased operational complexity. Efforts to address these challenges have seen notable progress with application-level solutions like which enhance capital efficiency within individual ecosystems. However, these approaches often fall short of tackling the broader issue of cross-chain liquidity fragmentation. Ecosystem-level solutions, aim to bridge the gaps between different blockchain networks and create a more unified liquidity environment. While promising, these solutions are still evolving and may not yet fully address the needs of institutional players who require robust liquidity solutions for large-scale trading. Yellow Network stands out by offering a comprehensive approach to liquidity fragmentation. Its advanced abstraction layer and decentralized clearing protocol provide a cohesive framework that aggregates liquidity across multiple platforms and blockchains. By enhancing cross-chain trading efficiency, reducing slippage, and improving capital utilization through its Layer-3 state channel infrastructure and decentralized clearing protocol, Yellow Network presents a transformative solution that supports the broader adoption of digital assets and advances the maturity of the crypto market. This integrated approach addresses both current inefficiencies and lays the groundwork for a more efficient, cohesive global trading environment.
Five Reasons Why DEXs Are Surpassing CEXs and Why It Matters
Aug 16, 2024
Decentralized Exchange (DEX) volume is on the rise, showing the increasing shift in crypto trading from Centralized Exchanges (CEX) to on-chain trading. DEXs saw a 15.7% quarter-on-quarter increase in spot trading volume, while CEX experienced a 12.2% decline, according to CoinGecko’s second quarter report. The ratio of DEX to CEX trading is at an all time high, indicating changing users habits and preferences. So, DEXs are gaining ground, reshaping the landscape of cryptocurrency trading. This shift isn't just a passing trend—it's a seismic change in how traders engage with the market. While CEXs like Binance and Coinbase have long dominated the crypto space, the appeal of DEXs is becoming harder to ignore. Data from recent reports highlights a marked increase in DEX trading volumes, while CEXs face mounting challenges. Why is that happening and where does it lead to? Let’s find out why DEXs are overcoming CEXs, focusing on the core distinctions and the five critical factors driving this shift. Understanding the Differences: CEXs vs. DEXs First, why don’t we clear the basic terms. It is essential to understand what sets CEXs and DEXs apart. Centralized Exchanges are managed by a single entity that controls the platform, often acting as an intermediary between buyers and sellers. This model, while offering certain conveniences like high liquidity and ease of use, also introduces significant risks, such as security breaches and loss of funds. You might even have some painful memories of your own that illustrate this, like from the FTX collapse in 2022. Decentralized Exchanges operate on blockchain networks, allowing users to trade directly with each other without intermediaries. Transactions are facilitated by smart contracts. Transparency and security are the obvious and default options here. The decentralized nature of DEXs means that there is no single point of failure, and users retain full control over their assets. However, this also means that DEXs can be more complex to use. That might be a problem for novice users. Transaction costs are typically higher. And speeds are often slower. And yet, something drives users to DEXs. Let’s see what it is. Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 12.57.57.png TOP-5 Reasons Why DEXs Are Overcoming Enhanced Security and Self-Custody One of the most compelling reasons traders are flocking to DEXs is the enhanced security they offer. In CEXs, users must trust the exchange with their funds, which can be vulnerable to hacks or mismanagement. The infamous hack of Mt. Gox and the more recent collapse of FTX highlight these risks. In contrast, DEXs allow users to maintain custody of their assets at all times, reducing the risk of losing funds due to an exchange's failure or malicious attacks. This shift towards self-custody is significant. As more traders become aware of the risks associated with centralization, the appeal of DEXs—where users' assets remain under their control—is growing. The decentralized model eliminates the need for trust in a central entity, making it inherently more secure against threats such as hacking and fraud. Regulatory Pressures and Censorship Resistance CEXs have increasingly come under the scrutiny of regulators worldwide. The push for tighter regulations and compliance measures, including Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) protocols, has added a layer of complexity and cost to their operations. For users, this often translates into reduced privacy and the risk of account freezes or asset seizures. In contrast, DEXs operate in a decentralized environment, which makes them more resistant to censorship and regulatory overreach. Users can trade with greater anonymity, as DEXs typically do not require extensive personal information. This privacy aspect is particularly appealing to users in regions with strict financial controls or where access to traditional financial systems is limited. Lower Costs and Zero Intermediary Fees Another factor driving the popularity of DEXs is the lower cost of trading. CEXs charge fees not only for transactions but also for deposit and withdrawal operations, and they often include hidden costs related to the exchange’s profit margins. DEXs, however, cut out the intermediaries, allowing users to trade directly with each other. The fees on DEXs are typically lower since they are based on the cost of executing smart contracts on the blockchain, with no added margin for a central operator. This cost efficiency is particularly noticeable in high-volume trading, where the savings can be substantial. As a result, many traders are turning to DEXs to maximize their profits by minimizing the fees they pay on each transaction. Innovation and Access to New Markets The decentralized finance (DeFi) boom has spurred innovation in the DEX space, bringing about new trading mechanisms and financial products that are unavailable on traditional CEXs. Automated Market Makers (AMMs) have revolutionized the way liquidity is provided, allowing users to earn fees by contributing to liquidity pools. Moreover, DEXs often list assets that are not available on CEXs, providing access to a broader range of tokens and investment opportunities. This includes emerging tokens and those that are not listed due to regulatory constraints on CEXs. As more projects and tokens launch in the DeFi space, DEXs are becoming the go-to platforms for accessing new and innovative markets. The bridge between traditional finance (TradFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi) is increasingly becoming a focal point for institutional investors looking to capitalize on the benefits of both worlds. According to Louis Bellet, CEO of Yellow Network, as institutions seek greater transparency, security, and efficiency in their trading operations, they are progressively exploring on-chain trading and innovative solutions in DeFi. This transition is facilitated by advancements in blockchain technology and regulatory frameworks that aim to integrate DeFi features with established financial systems. By leveraging DeFi's decentralized infrastructure, institutions can access new opportunities and optimize their trading strategies in a rapidly evolving market landscape. “A market featuring 24/7 trading of digital assets is set to become a nonstop parallel trading environment”, says Louis Bellet. The Rise of Institutional Adoption and Meme coins Institutional interest in decentralized finance is another factor contributing to the rise of DEXs. Major financial institutions, once hesitant to enter the crypto space, are now exploring DeFi as a way to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in their operations. The creation of funds on the Ethereum network by giants like BlackRock is a testament to the growing confidence in decentralized financial systems. As institutional players seek exposure to DeFi, they are increasingly turning to DEXs for their trading needs. This shift is further accelerated by advancements in blockchain technology, which are making it easier for institutions to integrate DeFi solutions into their existing systems. The result is a growing bridge between traditional finance and decentralized finance, with DEXs at the forefront of this integration. Now, let’s not forget about the meme coins. There is a new hysteria that seems to be only growing with time. No signs of fading or losing momentum even despite the fact that 97% of meme coins fail miserably. The remaining 3% help people make fortunes. And some of those appear on DEXs ages before they find their way to CEXs. The above-mentioned fortunes are more likely to happen on early stages with DEXs, then much later when a behemoth like Coinbase or Binance finally get their paws on those coins. That keeps driving more and more attention to DEXs. Conclusion The rise of DEXs over CEXs marks a significant evolution in the cryptocurrency landscape. Driven by the desire for greater security, privacy, cost efficiency, and access to new markets, traders are increasingly moving away from centralized platforms. The picture is not perfect for DEXs yet. There are significant problems with scalability and user experience. Sometimes users are simply more comfortable in the CEXs simple and effective environment. Ongoing innovations in blockchain technology are poised to address these issues. Nothing can stop evolution. And DEXs are likely to play an increasingly central role, not just for retail traders but also for institutional investors seeking to tap into the benefits of decentralized finance. The shift towards DEXs is more than a trend—it’s a fundamental transformation that could redefine the future of trading in the digital age.
U-topia Announces a Strategic Partnership with Yellow Capital, Leading Web3 VC and Market Maker
Jul 31, 2024
U-topia is the leading AI and MediaFi Company rewarding engagement with real-world and digital assets from a catalog of over 70,000 physical merchandise items across leisure and entertainment. The platform aims to empower users in the creation and ownership of the content they love, escaping the norms of passive consumption. To ensure the company's growth towards this feat, U-topia has partnered with Yellow Capital. Through this partnership, Yellow Capital will serve as U-topia's market maker, providing access to algorithmic trading strategies, technical support, and data analysis tools specifically designed for the cryptocurrency market. This collaboration will bolster U-topia's liquidity and stability within the crypto ecosystem. Market makers are essential in guaranteeing that a token has enough liquidity, making transactions effortless, and minimizing token price volatility. Since its inception in 2018, Yellow Capital has emerged as a notable market maker that helps promising crypto firms grow from the ideation stage to market leadership by leveraging its experience and network. U-topia is inducing a paradigm shift with the novel concept of MediaFi, providing the tools and infrastructure necessary for a thriving digital entertainment economy. The platform aims to empower users in the creation and ownership of the content they love, escaping the norms of passive consumption. "We are thrilled to partner with Yellow Capital, a company renowned for its expertise in crypto market making. Their guidance and support will be instrumental in ensuring the smooth operation and growth of U-COIN's economy," said Emmanuel Quezada, the CEO of U-topia. "Having Alexis, a long-time mentor, leading the charge makes this partnership even more special. We are confident that this collaboration will pave the way for U-topia's long-term success within the blockchain ecosystem." "We are excited to support U-topia in its mission to revolutionize the entertainment industry through blockchain technology" said Alexis Sirkia, the Executive Chairman of Yellow Group. "U-topia's vision and innovative approach align perfectly with Yellow's commitment to fostering the growth and success of promising crypto projects. We believe that U-topia has the potential to redefine the way we interact with and value entertainment." The market-making expertise of Yellow Capital will be influential in expediting U-Coin's growth to become a stable and reliable token. Yellow Capital employs advanced algorithms specifically designed to cater to the cryptocurrency market. Moreover, Yellow Capital's extensive suite of Data-Driven Insights and market analysis tools will gear up U-topia with invaluable insights into market trends and user behavior, thus helping U-topia make informed decisions when it comes to $UCOIN. For both U-topia and Yellow Capital, this strategic alliance represents a major advancement. U-topia advances its goal to transform the entertainment industry and fortifies the basis of its token economy by utilizing Yellow Capital's expertise in market making. U-topia and Yellow Capital are laying the groundwork for a future in which users will be more empowered and user-centric when it comes to owning entertainment and creating value since they both have the same vision for the revolutionary potential of blockchain technology. About U-topia U-topia is the leading MediaFi Company in the World, it is the convergence of innovative global IP Licensing in GameFi, AI Music, and Video Entertainment backed by a catalog of 70k Real World Assets rewards, leveraging top Intellectual Property (IP) from Web2 such as content from sports matches by professional teams, video content like Bandai Namco, and Top 100 retailers like Nike along with prime NFT collections from Web3. Website: X: About Yellow Capital Founded in 2018, Yellow Capital is a leading venture capital and crypto market maker firm focused on supporting crypto projects. From inception to becoming a top-ranked token, our primary goal is to propel the growth and success of our portfolio projects throughout their journey. Website: X:

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