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Michael Saylor: Ethereum ETF Approval Boosts Bitcoin's Prospects
May 27, 2024
Michael Saylor, founder of MicroStrategy, believes that the approval of spot Ether ETFs could benefit Bitcoin. Saylor is a strong Bitcoin supporter. His business is built on buying as much Bitcoin as possible. No wonder, he is looking for bullish signs everywhere. And he is lucky enough to find them. In a recent podcast with Peter McCormack, Saylor explained that the SEC's approval of eight spot Ether ETFs is positive for Bitcoin. He argued that these ETFs add a layer of defense for Bitcoin, making it politically stronger. Saylor mentioned that institutional adoption would accelerate as investors begin to see crypto as a legitimate asset class. He expects Bitcoin to receive the majority of the capital allocation within the crypto sector, estimating that Bitcoin will account for 60-70% of investments. He also acknowledged a shift in his perspective. Previously, he doubted the SEC would approve Ether ETFs. Two weeks ago, he believed Bitcoin would remain the sole crypto asset recognized by Wall Street. Now, he sees the approval as enhancing Bitcoin's standing among institutional investors. Saylor's comments stirred reactions in the crypto community. Some analysts speculated if this change might lead Saylor to invest in Ether, a stark contrast to his earlier stance. We have known him for years as a dedicated Bitcoin maximalist. Despite the broader acceptance of multiple crypto assets, Saylor remains confident that Bitcoin will maintain its leading position. He emphasized that while Ether ETFs are a positive development, Bitcoin's dominance will continue.
Ethereum Scammer Returns $7M to Victim in Rare and Unbelievable Twist
May 27, 2024
A victim of a significant Ethereum phishing exploit has recovered a large portion of their stolen funds. The incident, which occurred on May 26, saw 1,807 ETH, valued at approximately $6.91 million, siphoned from the victim’s wallet through a permit phishing attack. Now the money is back! The scammers returned 1,445 ETH, or about 80% of the stolen amount. The revelation came from blockchain analytics firm SlowMist and was further corroborated by Scam Sniffer. So the hackers allegedly kept 20% as a bounty. The phishing attack exploited a feature in Ethereum permits, introduced via EIP-2612, allowing interactions with smart contracts without prior authorization. This oversight enabled the scammers to transfer tokens from the victim’s wallet by generating an authentic off-chain authorization signature. There’s a cure though. SlowMist recommends periodic use of authorization tools like RevokeCash to identify and revoke any abnormal permissions. This measure is crucial for preventing such exploits in the future. Despite the recovery, not everyone was sympathetic. DeFi sleuth ZachXBT criticized the victim for falling prey to phishing attacks twice in two years, losing substantial amounts each time. Cryptocurrency-related scams have surged, with the FBI reporting that investment fraud in this sector accounted for 86% of all investment losses in the U.S. in 2023. The incident underscores the importance of vigilance in safeguarding digital assets. No one will save you from scammers as efficiently as you.
MetaMask to Embrace Bitcoin: The Legendary Wallet Goes Beyond Ethereum
May 23, 2024
MetaMask is preparing to support native Bitcoin transactions. This development, announced by the company, marks a significant shift from its Ethereum-only origins. The wallet, known for its user-friendly interface and strong security features, is branching out. MetaMask's decision to integrate Bitcoin has been met with a mix of excitement and skepticism. On one hand, it promises to simplify life for crypto enthusiasts who juggle multiple wallets. On the other, it raises questions about how smoothly the integration will work. MetaMask’s representative has just given CoinTelegraph a cryptic yet clear message: "Stay tuned." The move aligns with MetaMask's broader strategy to expand its capabilities. Bitcoin support is a logical next step in a market clamoring for interoperability. It's a bold bet on Bitcoin's enduring popularity. However, adding Bitcoin isn't just flipping a switch. The technical challenges are significant, requiring robust solutions to ensure seamless transactions. Industry experts are watching closely. Some predict this could position MetaMask as the go-to wallet for all major cryptocurrencies. Others warn it might dilute MetaMask's brand, built firmly on Ethereum's back. The integration could potentially open doors to other blockchain networks in the future. The timing of the announcement is intriguing. It comes amid a period of heightened regulatory scrutiny and market volatility. By moving forward now, MetaMask is signaling confidence in its strategy and the broader crypto ecosystem. Whether this will pay off remains to be seen. MetaMask's journey from an Ethereum wallet to a multi-chain powerhouse is unfolding. Supporting Bitcoin could be a game changer, enhancing user experience and driving adoption. One thing is certain: the crypto community will be watching this space closely.

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