Crypto's Unbelievable Gender Pay Gap: Research Shows Women Out-Earn Men by 15%

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Crypto's Unbelievable Gender Pay Gap: Research Shows Women Out-Earn Men by 15%

Alexey BondarevJul, 31 2024 19:26
Crypto's Unbelievable Gender Pay Gap: Research Shows Women Out-Earn Men by 15%

Women in crypto are raking in more dough than their male peers. A new Pantera Research Lab survey spills the beans. The median annual salary for full-time female crypto pros in the US? A cool $172,000. Men? They're lagging at $150,000.

This flips the script on typical wage gaps. It's a big deal in the industry.

Women's fatter paychecks might be down to experience. They've got 5.3 years in crypto companies on average. Men trail with 4.5 years.

More women hold mid-level to senior roles. Men dominate entry-level positions. Many are new to the crypto game.

The contrast with non-crypto firms is stark. There, women pocket 84 cents for every male dollar. In crypto, they're raking in $1.15 per male dollar.

But it's not all rosy. Pantera researchers flag ongoing hurdles for women. Top leadership roles are still a boys' club. Forex Suggest reports only three of 50 leading crypto CEOs in 2023 were women.

Pantera researchers Matt Stephenson, Ally Zach, and Nick Zurck chime in: "Our analysis finds that gender wage differentials among crypto employees are the reverse of what is normally observed."

This shift towards gender equity in crypto is a big deal. It's miles away from the usual wage gaps in other sectors.

"The relatively fair wages in crypto suggest a move toward greater gender equity, marking a progressive trend in this fairly new field," the researchers add.

Pantera's data comes from 502 full-time US employees. They gathered it between June 4 and July 20, 2024, through various pro networks and comms channels.

Meanwhile, crypto usage in the US is taking a hit. The Fed's latest annual household survey shows a drop in ownership and use. About 18 million US adults reported using cryptocurrencies in 2023. That's down from previous years.

Only 1% used crypto for financial transactions or sending money. That's half of last year's figure. But 7% are still holding or buying crypto as an investment.

Millennials (30-44) lead the pack in crypto use. Gen Z adults (18-29) are hot on their heels. Men are three times more likely to use cryptocurrencies than women.

The crypto world is changing fast. Women are cashing in, but overall usage is down. It's a mixed bag, but one thing's clear: the industry isn't standing still.

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